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Birdie at the Breast
Preparing for Baby!
Meet Kacie! (1:20)
Meet Wolfgang, Oxley & Teddy!
Preparing for Birth, Lactation & Postpartum
Birth and Early Postpartum Necessities (hospital birth)
Getting Nesty!
Colostrum Collection (3:59)
Advanced Maternal Age
COVID and Pregnancy
Breastfeeding 101
Baby's Here!
Birdie's Birth Story!
First 24 Hours
Breastfeeding Positions
Latching (5:13)
Nipple Care
Understanding Milk Production
I'm in pain...Help!
Poops and Pees
Nipple Shields
Is my baby getting enough milk? (0:16)
Positioning & Burping Videos! (14:22)
Figuring Things Out!
Low Milk Supply
Pacifiers & Bottles
Alcohol & Breastfeeding
Newborn Care
Silicone Breast Pumps Vs. Silicone Breastmilk Collectors (5:50)
Oversupply (4:26)
Tethered Oral Tissue (5:22)
My Baby is Not Gaining Enough Weight From Breastfeeding
They Grow So Fast!
One Month
Postpartum Mental Health
Baby Wearing
Paced Bottle Feeding (4:49)
Regulation of Milk Supply
Our Feeding Journey (0:15)
Oh Baby!
Months 2-3
Reverse Cycling
Dream Feed
Storing Breastmilk
Clogged Milk Ducts
Birdie's First ED Visit
Four Month Sleep ........
Birdie's Favorite Toys
Why was 6 afraid of 7 - because 7, 8, 9.
Beach with Baby
Contact Naps & Closeness
Dream Feed
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